The health and safety of our employees and their families is of critical importance to our company. As the impact of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak continues to evolve, our company’s attention falls directly on the safety and wellbeing of our employees, families, and the communities in which we serve.
We are closely following the recommendations by health and industry leaders and will share information as it becomes necessary and available. At this time, we do not anticipate that COVID-19 will have a significant impact on our operations and we remain committed to providing the same quality service to which you are accustomed. However, minor disruptions such as later than normal pickup times or longer call hold times may arise. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we navigate our way through this unprecedented national health emergency.
How should household waste that comes from the home of a patient with COVID-19 be managed? Based on guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), waste from a household can be managed as they typically would be for the flu. Make sure trash is all bagged and sealed.
Because the COVID-19 virus is not a Category A infectious substance, no special precautions are necessary. Additionally, waste from commercial business and retail entities can be managed as they typically are unless directed by their local health department. For more information on the handling of medical waste, please read this article.
For the safety of our employees, please limit in-person visits to our offices. All requests can be handled by phone, email, or by visiting our website.
Phone: 724-843-9373
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